DAY 33 Gifts of Healing Activation

DAY 33

LESSON: Mark 6:34,”When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.”
Love and compassion are key when praying for the sick. 1 Cor. 13: 1-3 states that without love we are just making noise and more importantly, we are powerless. One definition of compassion is, “A feeling of deep sympathy or sorrow for another who is stricken with misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.” This is the type of compassion Jesus had, to not only feel sorrow but to take away their suffering. We need to have that same type of compassion when we pray. To help us, we’ve been using the 5 step prayer model.
The steps are:
1. The Interview
2. Prayer Selection
3. Prayer Ministry
4. Stop and Re-Interview
5. Post-prayer Suggestions
We’re talking today about the 5th and final step of the prayer model – Post-Prayer Suggestions. Here it’s important to continue with love and compassion as we want to offer encouragement to the person we’re praying for. With this final step you may have experienced healing, partial healing or no healing. In each circumstance we want them to leave with encouragement. Let’s take a look at each.
A. If they were healed – Praise God together. Remember that we’re just the messenger. It’s God who gets all the praise and glory. Rev. 12:11 says that we triumph by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Encourage them to continue to praise God and to tell others about their healing.
B. If there was partial healing – Praise God for what he’s done so far. There may not be complete healing but there was some progress. Encourage them to think about what’s been healed rather than what still needs healing. Many times praise and thankfulness bring the remaining healing needed.
C. There is no healing – Still encourage them to seek prayer from others. Continue to stand on God’s healing promises and continue to worship and thank him for what he’s doing in their life. Healing many times is a process. We need to be determined to continue in our relationship with God no matter what we’re experiencing. Also, make sure not to pass judgment on the individual and accuse them of not having enough faith or sin in their life. Suggest scriptures for them to read and mediate. Give them all the love and compassion you can so when they leave, more than anything, they feel loved.

EXERCISE CHALLENGE: Take time to look up scriptures for all of these circumstances so that you’re ready to give encouragement. Look up scriptures on love and compassion, asking God to speak into your own heart and life the same love and compassion that Jesus had. Know that it may take time to see people healed. I know of many who prayed for hundreds of people before seeing their first healing. Be diligent and know that what God says in his word is true, no matter the circumstance. It’s God who heals. We need to trust Him and be faithful to do what he’s called us to do

ACTIVATION: Father, what an honor it is to represent You as we pray for the sick. Our longing is to have the same love and compassion as Jesus did and to see the suffering of the sick alleviated. Help us to be encouragers to those we pray over. Keep discouragement away from both us and those we’re praying for. No matter the outcome, may that person leave us knowing they are loved. Thank You Father for your love and faithfulness. In Jesus Name. Amen.

(Post by Rhonda Haleyj)

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